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Building a Presence on YouTube

Most people would think that to have a successful YouTube video or channel you would just need a funny video, famous song, or cool new dance move. While that helps, it is not what makes or breaks a YouTube Channel, or video. From listen to a guest speaker in my class today I learned a few tricks and strategies that will really help raise the number of views you can get and the importance of having a presence on YouTube.

First off when you post a video, you need to have a simple description, something that gets to the point and describes what your video is about. Maybe even something short that catches the eye of the viewer. Also, you should go crazy on the tags you put on your video, put anything that could possibly relate to your post.

Something that is also really important is the quality of the filming. No one wants to sit and watch a video that makes them sea sick, get your self a video that is in high definition. Finally, the first fifteen seconds is also incredibly important because now advertisers do not just look for number of views, they look for how long you view the video.

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