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Benefits of Using Facebook Live

With technology and social growing rapidly, we are also growing in the way that we share information. We receive information faster then we ever thought possible and some believed there was no way we could receive it even faster. Well now we do have a way to receive instant information and instant news that is happening in real time. This is called Facebook Live, and other live streaming social medias.

Facebook live is a live video that you stream on your Facebook page, people from all over the world can click on you video and watch you stream in real time. They can comment and engage in the video also in real time, many times people will have discussions in the comment section during the video and sometimes the person making the video will even respond to them live.

Once you have gone Live on Facebook, the video will then automatically save to your page so that people can go back and watch it later.

This can be a major tool for a business, they can stream meetings and events they are holding live, and have people tune in and check it out. From the lecture that we had over FaceTime in class, the best live videos are more than five minutes long, because that gives people time to login and tune in and become engaged.

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