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Cross-Platform Presence

For my Facebook assignment I picked three major league baseball teams, the Houston Astros, the LA Dodgers, and the Atlanta braves. I found that all three of them have certain slogans that they use across all their social media platforms. For example, the Houston Astro's slogan across all of their platforms is earn it, they use it in posts on Facebook, hashtags, and it is their background on most of their social media sites. Also, I found that all three of these teams use their team colors across all platforms to give them all a uniform look.

I thought that the Houston Astros did a really good job at having awesome, well edited pictures, it looked youthful and fun. As for the Atlanta Braves, I thought they did a great job at making all of their posts and pictures kid friendly and inviting for families. The LA Dodgers had a really cool way of making their brand look like a fashion statement on their page, which is a really cool angle to take since baseball caps are often the height of modern casual fashion. Now I will say that the Houston Astros slogan, "Earn It" sounds really cool but i feel like it is almost to basic and it really has nothing to do with the team its self and seems impersonal. The Atlanta braves I felt could have had more stuff about their brand new incredible stadium on their page, i feel like it would draw more than just baseball fans in, it could also draw people who want to see the cool new stadium. Finally, the LA Dodgers, while having awesome style made their pages almost seem uninviting and elitist. They needed to have a way more fan friendly feel to their page.

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